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Showing posts from September, 2017

'Dear Future Husband' case study

'Dear Future Husband' is a song that was released by Meghan Trainor in March 2015. It has reached almost 400 million views on YouTube since and has a deeper meaning behind it than most songs of the modern age. There are many different aspects of the music video that separates this song from others. For example, many audio codes are used throughout the song (expectedly) and they have a great effect on the audience. The music is very upbeat and sounds like a typical song from Capital FM. However, the context behind the lyrics has a deeper meaning. Many people link the lyrics of the song with feminism because it seems to be very 'pro woman'. She follows this trend throughout the whole song where she essentially gives her demands to different guys as to what they must do in order to be her husband. She is very selective and in many ways speaks as though she is a man from the 50s. The lyrics of the music do a great job of breaking the stereotype of women that mainly ex

What is cross-platform Advertising?(unfinished)

Joe Leggett Media Studies Faye What is cross platform advertising? In this essay I will be discussing the meaning behind cross platform advertising, it's effect on people, and some issues around it. In addition to that, I will be focusing around certain artists and relevant people to further add to my points. History of cross platform advertising-

Evaluation on Media 60 second film

After receiving some comments from my peers, I feel that my film was good in certain areas. For example, the colours and variation of different aspects was good and I think that it was quite unique. However, I think that I could have included more raw footage from my camera to make it more original.

60 second film about me

Representation in print media

Representation Print based media has a great influence on people’s opinions and views of the different aspects of our society. It can give people biased and negative attitudes towards certain people or groups, as well as positive attitudes to people or things that may not necessarily deserve it. Newspapers, posters, magazines and newsletters can all change people’s opinions and shape the world we live in to their liking. Many would say that they do this for their own figures and their own money income. For example, The Sun previously printed topless ladies on every page 3 of their daily tabloid. These girls were undoubtedly beautiful, which then caused younger girls and even easily influenced women to want to ‘be like them’ in a sense. This obviously lead to them buying products and putting more money into the cash flow. These weren’t the only people that were targeted by this segment, however. Of course, a lot of men liked this and it would have become somewhat of an obsessio

Representation in moving-image media

Representation in moving-image media There are many different forms of representation in the media. These can be biased, offensive or stereotypical. There are also many platforms in which these representations can be held within. These include trailers, TV shows and films. These platforms also have their own websites or places that they can be found. For example, trailers and other short clips can be find on one of the most popular websites in the world-YouTube. Youtube is the home of millions of videos and everyone can post them on there. One of the best examples of media on YouTube which represents different things in a certain way are trailers. Sometimes, these show different genders, social classes or races in an unfair way. For example, Bruce Willis faced a lot of accusations for his trailer for his movie 'Death Wish' being racist. With the power of social media, these accusations spread around very quickly and these thing become massive talking points. Similarly,