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Showing posts from September, 2018

Music video planning

Research Record label-DGC records Known for making grungey music and very strange music videos. Unorthadox style. Producer influence-Butch Vig Has managed bands such as Nirvana, Green day and Foo Fighters. Filming locations College Train Tipwreck Park/woods Airport

The Bridge season 1, 2 and 3 analysis (s3 ep1)

In season 1 and 2 of The Bridge, there is a lot of character building and it sets the tone for the rest of the series. Many conventions that are in ep1 of season 1 remain the same in season 3. For example, one of the most noticeable things straight away is the eeriness of the music. This also compliments the dark lighting that is essentially used throughout the whole show. It makes the show feel very dark. For example, in season 3 episode 1, there is a scene where the lighting in the flaming is all dark, but in the corner of the screen there is blue from a police car bleeding into the frame. The main character of the show, Saga, is a female detective who is very straight to the point. It is suggested that she has autism, though not explicitly mentioned.  In season 1, this is contrasted with the Danish male detective who seems to have more empathy and social skills.  In season 3, Saga is contrasted with the female Danish detective who seems to be more confident with dealing with her mor

Music video statement of aims and intentions

Aims and Intentions I aim to create a music video using my own instrumental track with guitar and potentially a rhythm instrument too. I also plan on using a grunge or Japanese metal track for the vocals in my song from a freelance website or Soundcloud (if i choose to add vocals after the final track is made). The audio in my music video will be very well thought of and will match the visuals on the screen. I will accomplish this by adding mis-en-scene that matches the lyrics and edit it to the cuts in the music. I will take inspiration from existing grunge music videos such as Nirvana's Heart Shaped Box and a few Steel Panther videos. This inspires me because it is unorthodox and different to typical corporate music videos released in this century, which just include basic narratives and people with as much clothes off as YouTube allows. I plan on using one or two people in my video as characters in a short narrative plot. I will use Jacob and Ben. My plot will be depres

Analysis of Life on Mars

Life on Mars is a TV show made in 2006 and 2007. It is a part of the sci-fi and crime genres. It is set in the 70s and begins with John Simm's character, Sam Tyler, who finds himself in the 70s after he is hit by a car. He realises he is in the 70s when he walks into his police station and it is old fashioned. The main character played by John Simm, Sam Taylor, is very confused. We are placed in his shoes and are supposed to sympathise with him throughout the series. He is an energetic character who is following his own motives but also has a potential love interest with Annie. Annie is a sweet, quiet character. Sam questions her existence at times because she may not be real. Annie seems to care for Sam and tries to help him when she can. The attitude towards women in this time was bad and there are many sexist jokes directed her way. Gene Hunt is the head detective and he is an arsehole. He is cocky and treats his fellow workmates very badly. However, he is very good at h