Royal Marines advert
This advert is propaganda to join the army. It features everything that stupid, young, naive men would find attractive to join the army. Those being guns, uniforms and a 'manly' environment. The whole video is portrayed in the most 'Call of duty' cosplay way imaginable as it sadly tries to persuade stupid people to fight for the government (not their country).
The target audience is undoubtably young men who have little common sense and are aged between 16-30. It is encouraging them to do something 'manly' in an attempt to boost their own ego or be patriotic without actually realising they aren't fighting 'for their country'.
The message being conveyed is presented in a positive manner. The catchphrase is, "It's a state of mind. You may already have it". This is to tell their audience that you need to have this 'attractive', 'brave' state of mind to be able to join this killing club.
To some people, the message would be convincing as this is somewhat of a fantasy for some men. However, even to them it may be a bit off-putting as the advert itself is quite daunting and intimidating. It almost seems as though it was designed to scare people.
The lighting used throughout the video is very dark which shows the whole 'badass' type element to being in a part of the army. It is made to persuade people that these types of things are cool and aspirational.
In conclusion, I think that propaganda for this is sick and twisted and even for people who would like to do it, it is not a good advert at all.
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