Life on Mars is a TV show made in 2006 and 2007. It is a part of the sci-fi and crime genres. It is set in the 70s and begins with John Simm's character, Sam Tyler, who finds himself in the 70s after he is hit by a car. He realises he is in the 70s when he walks into his police station and it is old fashioned.
The main character played by John Simm, Sam Taylor, is very confused. We are placed in his shoes and are supposed to sympathise with him throughout the series. He is an energetic character who is following his own motives but also has a potential love interest with Annie.
Annie is a sweet, quiet character. Sam questions her existence at times because she may not be real. Annie seems to care for Sam and tries to help him when she can. The attitude towards women in this time was bad and there are many sexist jokes directed her way.
Gene Hunt is the head detective and he is an arsehole. He is cocky and treats his fellow workmates very badly. However, he is very good at his job in a weird way. He and Sam are polar opposites but weirdly work well together.
The enigma of the show is whether or not Sam will get back to his life in the modern world and whether his 70s experiences are real. The show shows many hints that the world he is living in is fake and is not real at times and it forces the viewer to be active a lot of the time.
The main character played by John Simm, Sam Taylor, is very confused. We are placed in his shoes and are supposed to sympathise with him throughout the series. He is an energetic character who is following his own motives but also has a potential love interest with Annie.
Annie is a sweet, quiet character. Sam questions her existence at times because she may not be real. Annie seems to care for Sam and tries to help him when she can. The attitude towards women in this time was bad and there are many sexist jokes directed her way.
Gene Hunt is the head detective and he is an arsehole. He is cocky and treats his fellow workmates very badly. However, he is very good at his job in a weird way. He and Sam are polar opposites but weirdly work well together.
The enigma of the show is whether or not Sam will get back to his life in the modern world and whether his 70s experiences are real. The show shows many hints that the world he is living in is fake and is not real at times and it forces the viewer to be active a lot of the time.
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