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Showing posts from April, 2019

To what extent can Neale’s Genre Theory be applied to the set episode of The Bridge ? (15 Marks)

Media Language Genre  : Nordic Noir .The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Series 3 episode 1 :  technical codes binary oppositions Narrative structure and resolution Representation Gender National identity Audiences Nationality Mainstream/niche Positioning Audience pleasures Industry  Production and distribution Funding UK Broadcast and scheduling Other global  remakes or broadcasts Relate to genre, content of programme and possible issues ESSENTIAL THEORY Media language Neale : Genre Todorov : narrative stages Levi Strauss : binary oppositions Representation Hall : stereotypes Van Zoonen : representation of women bell hooks : feminism as political ideology Butler : Gender performativity Industry Livingstone and Lund : regulation issues Hesmondhalgh : cultural industries