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Ethnicity representations

There are many representations of ethnicity in the media. These are usually very stereotypical and not actually representative of these ethnicities at all. There are two forms in which these stereotypes can be shown, via text and via moving image.

For example, this advert is clearly racist. It isn't even subtle like other racist adverts are. It shows major links to slavery. This is a huge issue in our society and it is very discriminating to black people. The image shows a group of black skinned people bowing down to a white person. Although the black people are strong and athletic, they are bowing down to an average looking white person as though he is superior.
These types of media can cause division between different ethnicity groups and fuel racism in our society. The words 'Bow Down' are in very bold letters and leaves the black men to be seen perfectly in the image. It is blatantly discriminative and it is crazy to think that a group of people thought of this idea as a team.

A strong example of moving image media which consistently provides racial stereotypes is the WWE. The 'family friendly' professional wrestling organisation shows shows every week and surprisingly is allowed to continue to stereotype in a bad way. For example, the current WWE champion is a wrestler named Jinder Mahal. He is one of the only Indian wrestlers in the company, and they have told him to put on an Indian accent (he is actually Canadian). This is without mentioning that the creative team have also paired him up with two of the other three Indian wrestlers in the company and named them the 'Bollywood boys'. 

This isn't the only example of racism in the WWE as they tend to team wrestlers up judged by their races. The New Day are all black wrestlers, Cryme tyme were black wrestlers, and most other teams such as The Revival, The authors of pain and DX. The chairman of the WWE actually scripted himself to say an offensive word towards black people as a joke on one episode of their program in 2004. Generally, the show relies on stereotypes to educate their generally naive audience on the wrestler's background. 

In conclusion, both examples promote racism and stereotypes about ethnicity in a rather comical way but at the same time, make the issue even bigger. A lot of people do not realise that they are jokes and become genuinely racist themselves. 


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