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Tide 50s advert work

There are many technical codes used in this advert. One of which is the layout and design. The simplicity of it makes it appealing to people. The layout is structured nicely because the woman is the centre of the poster and is the largest thing on it too. This makes her take prominence over the rest of the poster's contents.

The lighting on the poster is bright and the colours are vibrant. This represents happiness and the fact that women are delighted to use the product. In fact, the woman in the poster is actually hugging the product. The white background represents purity and cleanness, which is what the product is supposed to achieve.

The images are very positive. In every image of the woman on the poster, she looks happy and is doing what she is 'supposed to be doing'. In the 50s, women didn't;'t really have much more of a role to play in society other than to clean and do housework, so a product that could half the time it took to do that and one that made the job generally easier would have been a big breakthrough in their life.

The graphics are easy on the eye and basic. They aren't serious and are large enough for people to get the picture that they are in for something special with the product. In the same respect, it is a soft sell approach that the poster is going for. Rather than telling the people to buy it now, it is making a specific audience feel connected with the brand. They do this with the phrase 'No wonder you women buy more TIDE than any other brand'. This is speaking directly to the audience but not forcing any sale needs upon them.

You could argue that for the time that the product was released, it was a unique selling point in itself because there were not many separate brands before after the war when competition started to occur in general household products. However, they do use the phrase 'only tide does all three' which is trying to separate it from other brands or cleaning products.


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