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Riptide stuff

Genre and industry
Research and summarise the indie genre : conventions, influences, audience  and key artists.
What is the definition of " indie and does the artist, video fit into this category ?

The indie genre is short for independent. It is typically band or artists signed to smaller record labels. Normally, indie music is chilled out and different to other genres of music. For example, Vance Joy's Riptide is acoustic and chilled. Arctic Monkeys music is typically heavier but still independent and couldn't really be put in the pure genre of rock. Other indie artists include Bastille and Catfish and the Bottlemen. The videos of these songs also fit indie conventions. Riptide is very experimental and has a very open interpretation to meaning.

Linear , clear and resolved narrative , or fragmented montage based on the lyrics of the song ?
Analyse scenes for symbolic objects and the meaning they contain .

The music video matches the song as it doesn't really have a clear narrative or plot. There are many scenes in the video which seem extremely random, as though they add nothing to the plot. For example, there is a scene which breaks the fourth wall in which a camera man is scene filming the video itself. The lyrics match some of the scenes in the song. For example, in one of the scenes, the lyrics are "I wanna be your left hand man", and the words at the bottom of the screen flash 'LEFT'. This is almost sarcastic and makes the whole video essentially seem like a mock-up.

How is gender represented in the video ? Look at stereotypes, repetitive motifs and how women and men are  framed narratively and through iconography.

Representation of gender is clearly something that was thought of and is a key part of the plot for this music video. Throughout it's entirety, thee is a woman singing the lyrics to the song and her face continues to become more and more messy with lipstick. The woman is framed very narrowly in an isolated room and isn't really lit well. It is almost as though she is being forced to sing the lyrics of the song as she is rather motionless and expressionless. Men are generally framed with more freedom and space, although you couldn't really say they are presented as macho males as they are quite slimly built and do not dress like typical gym guys.


Which of the following postmodernist techniques are used in the video ?

How does this change how  the audience responds to the messages, representations and other elements of the video ? Does it change the meaning ?


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